
This app was created to solve a college bus tracking app that didn’t work and never followed schedule. The app has Ai incorporated in it, with two different versions, where the second version allows more access to Ai. In both versions they follow the same solution: having an accurate bus tracker, scheduling bus notifications, and Ai bus stop time suggestions.

The original app did not work when signing in. The bus could not be located, and the one bus that did show up was even running/working. Aside from the app, a shuttle schedule was available. However, the bus was never able to follow the schedule leaving students to use a group chat to see where the bus was at.



To fix the problem there will be a redesign of the bus app. The updated app will have an accurate bus tracker while an Ai chatbot feature to suggest time to arrive at the bus stop, correlating with the user’s class and/or work schedule.

Version one used the original app replaced with the new color palette. In this version, the scheduling app allows you to add your school or work schedule. Once you click on which class you will be going to you can have suggestions on what times to be at the bus stop. Three suggestions will show up one will be an earlier time, one that will get you to class on time, and one that is scheduled a little later. Once you choose what time you want to be at the bus stop the app will notify you when it is 5 minutes away from your stop and if it is running late.

The locator helps show you where the bus is located on the route and if it is running late.

The Ai also called Chatbot helps answer any questions you might have about the bus while also letting you perform actions like the other two tabs with scheduling and locating. It can also help if users are having trouble calculating and scheduling stops.

Version 1




  1. The night before classes Jessica wants to check when she should get to the bus stop in the morning.

  2. She opens the app, where she already has a profile made, and it brings up her class schedule.

  3. The Ai suggests three different time when Jessica could arrive to the bus stop while still being on time for her classes.

  4. Jessica selects to be notified for the 7:25 bus. She closes the app and goes to sleep.

  5. In the morning, Jessica wakes up to the notification that her bus is 1 hour away.

  6. At 7:10 she gets a notification that the bus is running 5 minutes late.

  7. Jessica leaves her apartment at 7:25 since she now knows the bus will actually be there at 7:30 now.

  8. The bus arrives and Jessica makes it to campus before her class starts.

User Journey

Version two have new icon with a new typeface that is easier to read and fits better with the name. In this version we are introduced to the new Ai now called Dashbot or Dash for short, who is also given a character. Dash is first introduced when logging in/signing up. Dash explains its purpose and what it can do.

Going through each page on the app Dash helps assist you through what you need to do and what is going on with the bus. In the scheduler Dashbot helps schedule your bus stop and gives you the best suggestions on what to choose. On the locator page Dashbot lets you know where the bus is at and if anything is effecting it’s time. In the Dashbot chat it can help answer any questions you have about the bus while also now allowing you to schedule bus times more easily by clicking buttons in the chat.

Version 2

  1. Jessica is at Texas State University in the JCM art building.

  2. Her professor says that class will be getting out in about 5 minutes.

  3. Jessica opens RouteDash and opens the Dashbot chat.

  4. She types in the chat, “If I leave class in 5 minutes how long will I have to wait for the bus?”

  5. Dashbot tells her “You will have to wait 5 minutes for the bus. It is currently leaving the cottages.”

  6. Jessica closes the chat and leaves class after 5 minutes.

  7. She gets to the bus stop and sees the bus is not there. She opens the app and then opens the Dashbot chat.

  8. Jessica asks Dashbot, “How far away is the bus?” It tells her, “The bus is 3 minutes from your location. You can look at the locator to see.”

  9. The bus arrives after 3 minutes and Jessica gets on an goes home.

User Journey




River’s Edge